Friday, November 30, 2012

C4 Update

Happy Friday C4 Families!

One week back after Conferences and we have really hit the ground running!

This week we have been looking at organization strategies for our writing. Ask them about this...specifically they should know that thorough brainstorming and planning helps with writing great paragraphs.

In Math we began working on division. I handed out parent math strategy guides at conferences that highlight the methods I have shown them in class. If you have any questions about this please email me. :)

We will be talking about Native American tribes that lived in and around the Willamette Valley next week. A guest speaker will be visiting with some artifacts and activities. This should be an exciting presentation. Watch the class website for pictures from that day.

Thank you for your continued support at home with our RAH program. This year we have had almost 100% of students completing their reading every night. Starting for December our goal mins for each night will go up to 30 mins each night. This wont be a big deal for most because many students are already reading more than that anyway.

At conferences I talked about our new "Fast Falcon Facts" program. As a school we have decided to launch this in January. No worries though...your kiddos will be hard at work on Math over the winter break. I am working on training them how to use a new website called TenMarks. They will bring home login info soon. This website allows me to assign lesson for them to complete at home and I have told them that I will assign weekly homework over the break.

Holiday Crafts will begin next week and we are in need of a few more kids to bring in their light bulbs. Remember that they can be burnt out! :)

Upcoming in January:
I just received news that we will be having another student teacher starting in January. This student comes to us from Corban University and is a Junior. She will be completing a practicum in the area of Math. A practicum requires that she observe me teach for a minimum of 20 hours and that she teach a 10 unit lesson in Math. I will be observing all of her lessons and providing feedback. Practicums are not full time teaching, so I will always be with her in the room. In other words it is just like having an extra set of hands. I will encourage her to take over teaching more lessons as I feel she is ready but again she will always be supported by me. If you have any questions please email me. :)

Finally, as we enter the next two weeks of school I know that things begin to wind up for many families with regards to holiday events and excitement. For many students this can become a stressful time of the year. I am encouraging them to eat well, get lots of sleep and be sure they schedule some "down" time. Their daily reading works well for this. Thanks for your support at home so that we all enjoy a fun December at school.

Oh and have a great weekend!

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