Friday, October 19, 2012

"Vivid Vocabulary" Speech!

Vocabulary Master Requirements

Each student receives a word that is unique to them and must complete the following by Oct. 31st 2012:

·       Write the word in large block letters at the top of the paper (at least 2 inches high). 
·       Color the word so it stands out.
·       Draw a picture showing a scene of what the word means in the middle portion of the paper. (3-D pictures will get you more points-use scrap booking supplies, cotton balls, popsicle sticks, construction paper, Cheerios, etc to make it stand out)
·       Write the definition of the word on the bottom portion of the page.
·       Write a sentence using your vocabulary word in context. Use your own words (not a copied sentence) also on the bottom of the page.
·       Practice saying your word, definition and sentence out loud so that you are prepared to share with the class.

**It is important to be neat, careful and try to be creative as you work on this project.  Not only will you be “the master” of this vocabulary word, but your classmates will be learning from you as well.

You will be scored in the following areas: 
Definition (5)
Sentence (5)
Use of 3D (5)
Creativity (5)
Neatness (5)

**You will also be receiving a speech grade for your presentation of this word so practice sharing your poster and word several times at home so you are ready to share at school. 

Have Fun!

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