Thursday, December 08, 2011

The great gift exchange in C-4

on friday, december 16 we will be having a little party. I am asking your child to buy or make an gift for all 27 kids. if bought gift it must be under $10.01.

Friday, October 07, 2011


Oct. 13th
Keizer Rapids Park
Nature Hike Field Trip


Come dressed for weather!
Don't forget your lunch!

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Back to School 2011

Welcome back to Forest Ridge! Hopefully you all had a wonderful summer and are ready for our new school year to begin. I am looking forward to meeting many new faces in 4th grade and seeing some returning faces for 5th. Don't forget to stop in a visit today between 3:30-4:30. See you then!
Mrs. Randall

Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Autobiography Speeches

On Jun 10th is an autobiography speech. Your child has should have a paper in his or her backpack for you to help with. The speech is a summary of their autobiography, like those found on the back of a book. Students can use the following as a guide.

Autobiography Speech
Introduce yourself:

My name is __________. I was born _________ in __________and I am ______ years old. Three basic facts about me are: _________, ________, and _________.

I have a wonderful family. The people in my family are:
Here is some information about my family I want to share with you: (create a summary about what you wrote about your family and share it with us).

School has been an important time in my life.
The schools I have attended are:
My favorite grade and /or teacher was:
Tells us about your favorite grade and/or teacher:

Now I am going to tell you a little more about me. (Pick one of your favorite chapters and write a summary about that chapter to share with us).

Conclusion: (you need to come up with a five sentence conclusion to your speech)

Friday, May 13, 2011


C4 will begin designing and building catupults in about a week. Everyone will need a few ceral boxes, a 1/4 inch dowel and an egg carton. Please send in these items as soon as possible. We hope to start this project on or before Monday May 23rd. If you are going to Micheals to pick up a dowel and could grab a few I am sure we will have a few who need them. Thanks for your help with this fun project!

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Pioneer Lady

The pioneer lady came in with us last wednesday. sorry we forgot to take pictures. :(